Flexile Graphite Based

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VALQUA No. Product Name Description Application Detail
VF-10 VALQUAFOIL Ring Packing Ring packing molded with expanded graphite powder or tape using tooling for specified dimensions. Available in standard, quick removal and lubricant-treated types. Used as a stem seal for valves against water, steam, oil, acid, alkali, heat medium, solvent and gas (except oxygen, oxidizer, oxidized acid) applications. Usually used in combination with adapter packings such as No.VFC-25 and 6399L.

Temperature limit : 650℃ (under air of 400℃)
VF-20 VF Braid No.VF-20 is a coil packing made of expanded graphite yarn reinforced with Inconel wire and braided into a square cross-section. No.VF-20L and VF-20LF are of low-torque type treated with lubricating oil and special unification treatment, respectively. No.VF-20LAE is also available for nuclear valves. Used as a stem seal for valves against water, steam, oil, acid, alkali, heat medium, solvent and gas (except oxygen, oxidizer, oxidized acid) applications. Usually used in combination with adapter packings such as No.VFC-25 and 6399L.

Temperature limit : 650℃ (under air of 400℃)
VF-20L VF Braid No.VF-20 is a coil packing made of expanded graphite yarn reinforced with Inconel wire and braided into a square cross-section. No.VF-20L and VF-20LF are of low-torque type treated with lubricating oil and special unification treatment, respectively. No.VF-20LAE is also available for nuclear valves. Used as a stem seal for valves against water, steam, oil, acid, alkali, heat medium, solvent and gas (except oxygen, oxidizer, oxidized acid) applications. Usually used in combination with adapter packings such as No.VFC-25 and 6399L.

Temperature limit : 650℃ (under air of 400℃)
VF-20LF VF Braid No.VF-20 is a coil packing made of expanded graphite yarn reinforced with Inconel wire and braided into a square cross-section. No.VF-20L and VF-20LF are of low-torque type treated with lubricating oil and special unification treatment, respectively. No.VF-20LAE is also available for nuclear valves. Used as a stem seal for valves against water, steam, oil, acid, alkali, heat medium, solvent and gas (except oxygen, oxidizer, oxidized acid) applications. Usually used in combination with adapter packings such as No.VFC-25 and 6399L.

Temperature limit : 650℃ (under air of 400℃)
VF-22 VF Braid No.VF-22 is a coil packing made of expanded graphite yarn braided into a square cross-section. Used as a stem seal for valves and a shaft for pumps, rotary and reciprocating equipment against water, steam, oil, acid, alkali, heat medium, solvent and gas (except oxygen, oxidizer, oxidized acid) applications. Used in combination with adapter packings such as No.6345 and 1110 for reciprocating and high-pressure applications. 詳細
VFC-25 Carbon Fiber Reinforced VF Braid No.VFC-25 is a coil packing made of expanded graphite yarn reinforced with carbon fiber and Inconel wire, braided into a square cross-section and processed with special lubrication treatment. No.VFC-25 is used as a stem seal for valves and an adapter for No.VF-10 and VF-20 (Packing for adapters only).

Temperature limit : 650℃ (under air of 400℃)
VFT-22 PTFE-cladded VF Braid No.VFT-22 is a coil packing made of expanded graphite yarn reinforced with carbon fiber and Inconel wire, braided into a square cross-section and processed with special lubrication treatment. It is a gland packing that makes full use of the characteristics of each material. Used as a stem seal for valves against water, steam, oil, acid, alkali, heat medium, solvent and gas (except oxygen, oxidizer, oxidized acid) applications.

Temperature limit : 300℃
VFX-15 VF Braid Reinforced by Metal Wire No.VFX-15 is a coil packing formed by reinforcing expanded graphite yarn using thin metallic wire, braiding it into a square-shaped cross section, and then applying lubricant. No.VFX-15 can be used individually as a valve shaft seal for general purpose applications.

Maximum temperature: 650°C (400°C in air)

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